June Johnson
Medicare Insurance Specialist

We can speak over the phone, at a virtual meeting, or in person.
About Us
I am a Licensed Insurance Broker and I assist Medicare beneficiaries decide which plan fits their individual needs when exploring their Medicare options regarding private insurance companies, whether it be a Supplemental Plan (Medigap) or an Advantage Plan. No one size fits all and there are many considerations when it comes to making this important choice regarding your healthcare. There is no charge for my service as I get paid by the insurance company and your cost is the same if you contact me or go through the insurance company. The only difference is you have me on your side to make the complex simple. I look forward to hearing from you so we can get started.
There are many facets to planning for retirement. I will assist with your health and financial well-being. June Johnson LLC is your solution to protecting your future.
Medicare is health insurance for people aged 65 or older, people under age 65 with certain disabilities, and/or people of any age with End-Stage Renal Disease, or ESRD (permanent).
Hospital Insurance
Helps to cover inpatient care in hospitals. Also helps to cover skilled nursing facilities, hospices, and home health care.
Medical Insurance
Helps to cover doctors’ services, outpatient care, and home health care. Also helps to cover some preventive services to help maintain your health and to keep certain illnesses from getting worse.
Medicare Advantage Plus (HMO or PPO)
A health coverage option run by private insurance companies approved by, and under contract with, Medicare.
Includes Part A, Part B, and usually other coverage like prescription drugs.
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
A prescription drug option run by private insurance companies, approved by and under contract with, Medicare.
Connect4Insurance instantly quotes, compares, and allows you to enroll in a Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Plans, and Medicare Supplement Plans all in one place.

Contact us
June Johnson
Call Us
Email Us
Our Location
5564 South Fort Apache Road, Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89148
We, and the licensed agents that may call you, are not connected with nor endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed the information contained on this website. This is not a complete listing of plans available in your service area. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. For a complete listing please contact 1 (800) MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) consult www.medicare.gov.